Bowser and new brother Loki |
I’m currently sharing a studio space with a 10 week old puppy and between the house braking and the clay dust it was painfully clear that the carpet just wasn’t working out. The studio, a hot tub room in a former life, is an addition off the dining room. I was counting on mostly smooth plywood subflooring so, because I prefer shopping over labor, I went to the hardware store first and picked out some stick on vinyl tile with a good customer rating. Then I lugged the boxes home and started the work of tearing up the carpet. Low and behold, what is hidden beneath the carpet, adorable parquet looking vinyl tile from the 70’s? This flooring fit the old, tacky soul of my house so I just saved some money and time. I just wish I would have rolled up my sleeves and tore up the carpet in the first place. That would have saved me two trips to the hardware store.