Saturday, March 5, 2011

Keep it dirty, keep it safe

I am unapologetic about the sorry state of my studio.  If your studio isn’t a complete mess they you aren’t working in it.  Immaculate studios drive me crazy because if your studio is clean then you are spending more time cleaning than creating.  My classroom at school could probably qualify for FEMA assistance but you should see how many kids go through there during the day and all the great stuff they produce.  I gave up keeping up with it a long time ago and wear the chaos as a badge of honor.  Another positive is that it keeps gold personality types away from my room.
That being said, you don’t want an unhealthy studio.  Clutter is annoying but clay dust is dangerous.  The dust in clay is silica which has a very fine particle.  This is difficult for your lungs to filter out and will settle in your chest.  Potters have died from silicosis which is caused by clay dust settling in your lungs over time.  Always clean up all clay with lots of water.  Sweeping up clay dust puts it into the air for you to breathe in. 

1 comment:

  1. well I don't have much clay in my room, (Just one project), but I sure spend a LOT of time cleaning and decluttering, so now I have a new perspective. I don't feel so bad now that no matter how hard I try, it just never looks immaculate.
    and the workspace at home? always looks like a tornado hit it- or edward scissorhands is more like it :)
    excited to see all your new stuff at the sale!
